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Get started with the Arbitrum Orbit SDK


Orbit chains are now Mainnet ready! Note that Orbit is still a public preview capability - the Orbit product and its supporting documentation may change significantly as we capture feedback from readers like you.

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The Arbitrum Orbit SDK lets you programmatically create and manage your own Orbit chain(s). Its capabilities include:

  • Configuration and deployment of your Orbit chain's core contracts
  • Initialization of your chain and management of its configuration post-deployment

1. Select a chain type

There are three types of Orbit chains. Review the following table to determine which type best fits your needs:

Chain TypeDescriptionUse Case
RollupOffers Ethereum-grade security by batching, compressing, and posting data to the parent chain, similarly to Arbitrum One.Ideal for applications that require high security guarantees.
AnyTrustImplements the AnyTrust protocol, relying on an external Data Availability Committee (DAC) to store data and provide it on-demand instead of using their parent chain as the Data Availability (DA) layer.Suitable for applications that require lower transaction fees.
Custom gas tokenAn AnyTrust Orbit chain with the ability to specify a custom ERC-20 gas token.Ideal for applications that require custom gas fee tokens and lower transaction fees.

2. Deploy your chain

After selecting a chain type, you need to deploy your Orbit chain. Visit the deployment guide for your selected chain type:

3. Configure your Orbit chain's node

After selecting a chain type, you need to specify your Orbit chain's node configuration by creating a JSON file. Visit Configure your Orbit chain's node, then proceed to the next step.

4. Deploy your Orbit chain's token bridge

Your Orbit chain's token bridge contracts allow ERC-20 tokens to move between your Orbit chain and its underlying parent chain. See Deploy your Orbit chain's token bridge, then proceed to the next step.

5. Configure your Orbit chain

With your node configuration specified and token bridge deployed, you'll be ready to configure your Orbit chain. Visit Configure your Orbit chain to complete this final step.

See also